Killer Examples of Responsive Web Design

Making sure a client’s website looks good is no longer the main focus for web designers and developers. It has to work on multiple devices from PCs, to smartphones, to tablets, and let’s not forget about notebooks. The birth of so many new devices over the past few years created the need for responsive web design

Our website is an example of responsive design, but here are some additional examples of responsive websites. One look and it’s easy to see how responsive design is changing web design forever.


responsive web design

3200 Tigres


responsive web design


Clean Air Challenge


responsive web design


Design Made in Germany


responsive web design


Electric Pulp


responsive web design


Life in Greenville


responsive web design


Made by Hande


responsive web design


Massimo Bonini


responsive web design




responsive web design


Smashing Magazine


responsive web design


Please feel free to leave other examples of responsive web design in your comments.


Reico is the owner and team member of The Applied VIsual, website design and development company. He is also available on Twitter @AppliedVisual

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  1. Steve  February 9, 2013 – fantastic responsive restaruant site, love it.

  2. Sarah Ahmed  April 14, 2013

    Great post. Love seeing examples of responsive design. Particularly enjoyed the ones that aren’t developers/agencies – interesting to see it out there in the wild! Hopefully as this is the year of responsive design there will be more and more.
    As you said it’s okay, I hope you don’t mind if I invite you to visit our new site, launched last week, with a 5-breakpoint responsive design:


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