Logo: The Brand Ambassador of Your Company
Before you start reading this post, let’s play a brand recall game. Are you ready? Can you guess the brand name of “the blue fluttering bird?” How about the two yellow arches any idea? “The half eaten apple”? What about “the red, white and blue swirly circle” or the very popular the “F” symbol? Well, if you’ve guessed a few or all the brands, then that’s great on your part and on the company’s.
A logo is a design or a ...
Continue Reading →Advantages and Disadvantages of Building a Flash Website
A great number of clients often inquire about building a Flash website because of some dynamic example they’ve seen online. Mesmerized by the motion that Flash brings, very few understand the headaches that come with a flash website. It is crucial to understand both the advantages and disadvantages of a Flash website so you can make the best decision about ...
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History and Advancements in Web Typography
Throughout the web’s 20 year history, “web typography” and the “web” have never played well together. Although there have been major advancements in both hardware and software, the fonts we see and the layouts we’re used to have been relatively unchanged. As all things must change, there are advancements on the horizon that will soon change the way we view web design.
Web typography trends aren’t just about an availability of typefaces. Browsers have to also step up their game to offer new ...
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