Misconceptions About SEO and Google Updates

Since the newest Google update of Penguin 2.0 there have been many questions and concerns from SEO’s and website owners about where to focus their energies and budgets to maximize results. As always, if you’re focused on serving up great content that keeps your readers engaged then you will have no problems with this or any other update Google may throw at you.

Matt Cutts, head of Google search spam, released a great video talking about misconceptions in the SEO industry. Here are the main topics Matt focuses on in the video:

  • Algorithm Update vs Data Refresh
  • Are Google updates like Panda and Penguin trying to force people to buy more ads with Google
  • Where SEO’s should focus their attention

Enjoy the video!

As discusse in the video, Matt mentions the focus on social media instead of search engines. We talked about this in a previous blog post, but it should be mentioned there were three social media networks talked about in the video that we should pay close attention to.

  • Instagram – This is just an awesome social sharing site where users share in-the-moment photos.
  • Path – One-on-one and group messaging where users share voice, video, pictures, stickers, and more.
  • Twitter – We all know that Twitter can be a way to instantly connect with industry influencers and customers worldwide.
  • Yardsale – While Yardsale isn’t a social network, it took the idea of Craigslist and brought design into the picture. This is an example of focusing on user experience and design to keep your viewers engaged.

Content will always be king on the web; think of it as the cake. Design is the icing that makes the content sweet to the taste and SEO is the party that you invite users to to enjoy the cake and possibly serve up some ice cream as a treat. If you have an questions or comments please leave them in the section below and stay tuned for more info and strategies to make your brand stronger so it produces long-term results.


Reico is the owner and team member of The Applied VIsual, website design and development company. He is also available on Twitter @AppliedVisual

    Find more about me on:
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